Thanks to a former colleague, I received word that my post about my first 100 days of working with Clojure scored Number 3. on the Hacker News.

I just wanted to thank all of you for the interest and I really hope my english is not that worse. Thanks to some attentive readers, I where able to fix some glitches in some of the examples or the spelling.

Due to fortunate circumstances I had some time to setup my blog on a new platform almost exactly a year ago. Now using Nginx with Wordpress. Witch performed remarkably well.If your are interested here are some stats:

Localhost nginx status day

Starting with about 200 concurrent connections to the my Nging web server, which are 66 times the average over the last year. That’s nice because I saw some setups which would have died due to the load. Thanks to the guy who introduced me into Nginx. We were using it at scoyo and gamigo and this proved that it was a good decision - if I had any doubts left.

As a matter of fact, that worked so well, that it didn’t even had an impact on the CPU load: Localhost load day Localhost load month

Or even the memory usage:

Localhost memory day

I guess making all the content static using WP SuperCache and the HTTP rewrite module was a good idea.